Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
Download Detail Report

The Download Detail Report provides a detailed listing of all loans that were included in the last Download. The Import Status field on this report indicates how they were affected through the Download.

Access to this report is controlled through administrator-defined Security Profiles.

The report is generated with the following filters.

Filter Description
Import Status From the drop-down, select the import statuses (New, More, Less, Unchanged or Non-Delinquent) to include in the report results. By default, all statuses are selected.
  • New indicates the loan is new to Elements.
  • More indicates the loan is more delinquent than it was after the previous download.
  • Less indicates the loan is less delinquent than it was after the previous download.
  • Unchanged indicates the delinquency amount has not changed since the previous download.
  • Non-delinquent indicates the loan is no longer delinquent.
Loan Status From the drop-down, select the loan statuses (Active, Charged-Off, Closed, Inactive, New or Settled) to include in the report results.
Worklist From the drop-down, select the worklists to include in the report results. Loans in the selected worklists are included in the report results. By default, all worklists are selected.
Users may be restricted to their own worklists depending on configuration of their Security Profile in System Management >Collection > Security Profiles.
Delinquent Locked From the drop-down, select the delinquent and locked statuses to include in the report results.

Change any of the filters and click View Report to regenerate the report using the new parameters.

Refer to the Reports in Elements topic for information on the report's toolbar.



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